【Amy RAZ】,百度网盘分享

【Amy RAZ】,百度网盘分享

【Amy RAZ】,百度网盘分享

课程文件目录:【Amy RAZ】 体积大小:12.62G

Amy家RAZ 录播课 [12.62G]

1. the food chain [6.57M]

书本教参练习册 [6.26M]

foodchain_f.pdf [569.89K]

raz_lf07_foodchain_dc.pdf [59.70K]

raz_lf07_foodchain_lp.pdf [600.14K]

raz_lf07_foodchain_wksh.pdf [445.32K]

The Food Chain.pdf [4.62M]

学习笔记 [324.65K]

录播课the food chain discussion card.docx [296.28K]

录播课the food chain reading skills.docx [13.80K]

录播课the food chain 词汇学习.docx [14.57K]

10. mash the photoes [4.06M]

练习册Mash the potatoes [492.21K]

Inferences.pdf [232.00K]

Stretchy Sounds.pdf [260.21K]

书本教参练习册 [3.58M]

Mash the Potatoes.pdf [3.58M]

11. swamp music [6.93M]

swamp music练习册 [424.67K]

retelling A.pdf [142.87K]

Retelling B.pdf [281.80K]

书本教参练习册 [6.52M]

raz_dcld45_swampmusic.pdf [679.25K]

raz_ld45_swampmusic_lp.pdf [696.78K]

raz_ld45_swampmusic_wksh.pdf [1.13M]

Swamp Music.pdf [4.05M]

12. places plants and animals live [5.77M]

教参书本练习册 [5.36M]

Places Plants and Animals Live.pdf [4.82M]

raz_le21_placesplantsani_dc.pdf [63.30K]

raz_le21_placesplantsani_lp.pdf [201.52K]

raz_le21_placesplantsani_wksh.pdf [287.04K]

练习册 [425.64K]

DESCRIBING WORDS wksht.pdf [57.63K]

Story Planner 1 Character and Setting.pdf [368.02K]

13.In a chinese garden(13) [63.35K]

What I See What I’m Glad for.pdf [63.35K]

14.how frogs grow [592.62M]

14.How Frogs Grow.avi [592.62M]

15.welcome back, butterflies [1.25G]

15bandicam 2018-03-03 09-35-25-639.avi [1.24G]

asking and answering.pdf [1.02M]

raz_dcld31_welcomebackbutterflies.pdf [277.77K]

raz_ld31_welcomebackbutterflies_lp.pdf [765.39K]

raz_ld31_welcomebackbutterflies_wksh.pdf [432.47K]

Welcome Back,Butterflies.pdf [3.20M]

16.the vet [184.87K]

making inferences.pdf [184.87K]

2. fall [4.02M]

C-fall-2学习笔记 [29.50K]

fall script.docx [12.54K]

fall学习笔记.docx [16.96K]

书本教参练习册 [3.58M]

Fall.pdf [3.36M]

lesson plan fall.pdf [233.95K]

fall写作.jpg [416.14K]

3. nothing scares me [5.75M]

书本教参练习册 [4.93M]

Nothing Scares Me!.pdf [3.02M]

raz_dcld46_nothingscaresme.pdf [689.56K]

raz_ld46_nothingscaresme_lp.pdf [595.47K]

raz_ld46_nothingscaresme_wksh.pdf [670.89K]

学习笔记 [838.27K]

Nothing scares me 学习笔记.docx [838.27K]

4. making pizza [5.60M]

教参练习册书本 [5.31M]

Making Pizza.pdf [4.07M]

raz_le18_makingpizza_dc.pdf [57.29K]

raz_le18_makingpizza_lp.pdf [557.91K]

raz_le18_makingpizza_wksh.pdf [654.24K]

My Silly Recipe.pdf [260.98K]

学习笔记.docx [29.22K]

5. using less energy [4.66M]

书本教参练习册 [4.64M]

raz_cqlf29_usinglessenergy.pdf [49.76K]

raz_dclf29_usinglessenergy.pdf [248.45K]

raz_lf29_usinglessenergy_lp.pdf [239.79K]

raz_lf29_usinglessenergy_wksh.pdf [244.86K]

Using Less Energy.pdf [3.88M]

笔记.docx [18.83K]

6. go away, lily [3.68M]

书本教参练习册 [3.44M]

Go Away,Lily.pdf [2.50M]

raz_dclc26_goawaylily.pdf [39.02K]

raz_lc26_goawaylily_lp.pdf [260.18K]

raz_lc26_goawaylily_wksh.pdf [669.13K]

笔记.pdf [237.19K]

7. animal tongue [4.32M]

书本教参练习册 [4.12M]

Animal Tongues.pdf [2.77M]

raz_cql42_animaltongues.pdf [429.28K]

raz_ld42_animaltongues_lp.pdf [759.50K]

raz_ld42_animaltongues_wksh.pdf [192.96K]

学习笔记和练习册-animal tongue [210.75K]

Animal tongue学习笔记 .docx [17.98K]

Describing a monster练习册.pdf [141.41K]

DESCRIBING WORDS wksht练习册1.docx [51.36K]

8. all kinds of farms [5.76M]

笔记和自制练习册 [112.82K]

all kinds of farms.docx [15.07K]

word map .pdf [97.74K]

书本教参练习册 [5.65M]

All Kinds of Farms.pdf [4.03M]

raz_le13_allkindsfarms_dc.pdf [442.40K]

raz_le13_allkindsfarms_lp.pdf [604.08K]

raz_le13_allkindsfarms_wksh.pdf [618.49K]

9. hibernation [6.51M]

书本教参练习册 [6.51M]

Hibernation.pdf [4.60M]

raz_cqlf25_hibernation.pdf [428.80K]

raz_dclf25_hibernation.pdf [670.76K]

raz_lf25_hibernation_lp.pdf [201.45K]

raz_lf25_hibernation_wksh.pdf [653.51K]

所有raz录播课视频 [10.73G]

录播课 [10.73G]

10-Mash the Potatoes-C.avi [505.13M]

11-Swamp music-D.avi [870.47M]

13-In a Chinese Garden.avi [978.58M]

14.How Frogs Grow.avi [592.62M]

15.welcome back, butterflies.avi [1.24G]

16.The Vet.avi [1.21G]

1-Food Chain-F.avi [319.56M]

2-fall- C.avi [455.22M]

3-Nothing Scares Me!-D.avi [364.26M]

5-Using Less Energy-F.avi [511.56M]

6-Go Away Lily-C.avi [583.97M]

7-animaltongues-D.avi [426.43M]

8-all kinds of farms-F.avi [772.09M]

9- Hibernation-F.avi [1.03G]

amy家raz12-Places Animals Live-E.br [664.24M]

amy家raz4-Making Pizza-E.br [379.95M]



下载价格:9.9 学豆


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