课程文件目录:深蓝图卷积神经网络 体积大小:4.23G
图卷积神经网络 [4.19G]
第1章 从欧几里得空间到非欧几里得空间 [240.82M]
chapter1卷积神经网络-从欧式空间到非欧式空间.mp4 [238.94M]
gcn第一节课.pdf [1.89M]
第2章 谱域图卷积介绍 [327.79M]
第2章谱域图卷积介绍.mp4 [324.50M]
第二节课-谱域图卷积.pdf [3.29M]
第3章 空域图卷积介绍 [968.35M]
3.1-3.2 空域卷积.mp4 [356.77M]
3.1-3.2-3.3-3.4–l3空域图卷积介绍(一).pdf [2.16M]
3.3-3.4 空域卷积.mp4 [132.89M]
3.5-3.6-v5.0过平滑现象.pdf [2.44M]
3.5图卷积网络回顾 空域图卷积2.mp4 [163.87M]
3.6过平滑现象.mp4 [310.24M]
第4章 图卷积的实践应用 [463.56M]
第五节课.pdf [3.06M]
图卷积神经网络的应用.mp4 [460.50M]
第5章 实践:基于pyg的图卷积的节点分类(1) [1.11G]
第1节 环境搭建 [336.02M]
【视频】环境搭建.mp4 [336.02M]
第2节 基于pyg框架的节点分类实践 [429.47M]
16:【视频】节点分类实践(上).mp4 [229.28M]
16:【视频】节点分类实践(下).mp4 [200.20M]
第3节 构造自己的数据集&查阅其他gcn方法 [309.06M]
17:【视频】构造自己的数据集&查阅其他gcn方法.mp4 [309.06M]
第4节 实践作业 [141.07K]
第六次课.pdf [138.98K]
节点分类code.rar [2.09K]
19:第五章作业讲评.mp4 [61.49M]
保存模型与相关代码.zip [4.40M]
实践作业.pdf [279.81K]
第6章 实践:基于pytorch的图卷积的交通预测 [840.92M]
第1节 课件&代码 [31.38M]
code.rar [31.12M]
第七次课.pdf [259.67K]
第2节 时序数据处理及建模 [349.37M]
20:【视频】时序数据处理及建模.mp4 [349.37M]
第3节 基于pytorch的交通流量预测 [427.13M]
21:【视频】基于pytorch的交通流量预测.mp4 [427.13M]
第4节 作业 [266.47K]
作业.pdf [266.47K]
图卷积第6章优秀作业(pcch).zip [32.78M]
图神经网络(gnn)100篇论文集 [307.79M]
applications [201.82M]
combinatorial optimization [3.44M]
combinatorial optimization with graph convolutional networks and guided tree search(1).pdf [537.04K]
learning combinatorial optimization algorithms over graphs.pdf [2.91M]
graph generation [3.28M]
graph convolutional policy network for goal-directed molecular graph generation.pdf [517.97K]
molgan- an implicit generative model for small molecular graphs(1).pdf [1.10M]
netgan- generating graphs via random walks(1).pdf [1.67M]
image [40.43M]
image classification [1.69M]
few-shot learning with graph neural networks.pdf [1.69M]
interaction detection [1.10M]
structural-rnn- deep learning on spatio-temporal graphs.pdf [1.10M]
object detection [2.57M]
learning region features for object detection.pdf [1.68M]
relation networks for object detection.pdf [906.66K]
region classification [3.91M]
iterative visual reasoning beyond convolutions..pdf [3.91M]
semantic segmentation [24.98M]
3d graph neural networks for rgbd semantic segmentation.pdf [2.23M]
dynamic graph cnn for learning on point clouds.pdf [5.07M]
large-scale point cloud semantic segmentation with superpoint graphs.pdf [4.83M]
modeling polypharmacy side effects with graph convolutional networks.pdf [4.18M]
pointnet- deep learning on point sets for 3d classification and segmentation.pdf [8.66M]
social relationship understanding [0.00K]
visual question answering [6.18M]
graph-structured representations for visual question answering.pdf [3.74M]
out of the box- reasoning with graph convolution nets for factual visual question answering(1).pdf [2.45M]
knowledge graph [17.35M]
cross-lingual knowledge graph alignment via graph convolutional networks.pdf [432.63K]
deep reasoning with knowledge graph for social relationship understanding.pdf [2.76M]
dynamic graph generation network- generating relational knowledge from diagrams.pdf [1.19M]
knowledge transfer for out-of-knowledge-base entities – a graph neural network approach.pdf [355.22K]
modeling semantics with gated graph neural networks for knowledge base question answering.pdf [437.80K]
multi-label zero-shot learning with structured knowledge graphs.pdf [1.36M]
representation learning for visual-relational knowledge graphs.pdf [6.90M]
the more you know- using knowledge graphs for image classification.pdf [2.31M]
zero-shot recognition via semantic embeddings and knowledge graphs.pdf [1.63M]
science [130.64M]
a compositional object-based approach to learning physical dynamics.pdf [4.26M]
a note on learning algorithms for quadratic assignment with graph neural networks.pdf [340.40K]
a simple neural network module for relational reasoning.pdf [1.37M]
action schema networks- generalised policies with deep learning.pdf [1.67M]
adversarial attack on graph structured data.pdf [593.12K]
attend, infer, repeat- fast scene understanding with generative models.pdf [1.30M]
attention, learn to solve routing problems!.pdf [1.48M]
beyond categories- the visual memex model for reasoning about object relationships.pdf [618.71K]
combining neural networks with personalized pagerank for classification on graphs.pdf [483.25K]
constrained generation of semantically valid graphs via regularizing variational autoencoders.pdf [567.14K]
constructing narrative event evolutionary graph for script event prediction.pdf [654.87K]
conversation modeling on reddit using a graph-structured lstm.pdf [682.35K]
convolutional networks on graphs for learning molecular fingerprints.pdf [785.36K]
cross-sentence n-ary relation extraction with graph lstms.pdf [540.89K]
deep graph infomax.pdf [8.15M]
deepinf- modeling influence locality in large social networks.pdf [1.07M]
discovering objects and their relations from entangled scene representations.pdf [4.99M]
dynamic edge-conditioned filters in convolutional neural networks on graphs.pdf [567.07K]
effective approaches to attention-based neural machine translation.pdf [243.97K]
geometric matrix completion with recurrent multi-graph neural networks.pdf [6.99M]
graph convolutional matrix completion.pdf [732.99K]
graph convolutional neural networks for web-scale recommender systems.pdf [9.84M]
graph networks as learnable physics engines for inference and control.pdf [2.72M]
graphrnn- generating realistic graphs with deep auto-regressive models.pdf [2.43M]
hybrid approach of relation network and localized graph convolutional filtering for breast cancer subtype classification.pdf [2.52M]
hyperbolic attention networks.pdf [3.08M]
improved semantic representations from tree-structured long short-term memory networks.pdf [304.16K]
inference in probabilistic graphical models by graph neural networks.pdf [3.07M]
interaction networks for learning about objects, relations and physics.pdf [1.91M]
learning a sat solver from single-bit supervision.pdf [1.89M]
learning conditioned graph structures for interpretable visual question answering.pdf [8.48M]
learning deep generative models of graphs.pdf [2.31M]
learning graphical state transitions.pdf [1.47M]
learning human-object interactions by graph parsing neural networks.pdf [3.91M]
learning model-based planning from scratch.pdf [1.28M]
learning multiagent communication with backpropagation.pdf [4.13M]
learning to represent programs with graphs.pdf [421.90K]
metacontrol for adaptive imagination-based optimization.pdf [1.60M]
molecular graph convolutions- moving beyond fingerprints.pdf [2.08M]
nervenet learning structured policy with graph neural networks.pdf [3.11M]
neural combinatorial optimization with reinforcement learning.pdf [393.17K]
neural module networks.pdf [1.03M]
neural relational inference for interacting systems.pdf [2.83M]
protein interface prediction using graph convolutional networks.pdf [837.75K]
relational deep reinforcement learning.pdf [6.81M]
relational inductive bias for physical construction in humans and machines.pdf [1.00M]
relational neural expectation maximization- unsupervised discovery of objects and their interactions.pdf [1.15M]
self-attention with relative position representations.pdf [229.86K]
semi-supervised user geolocation via graph convolutional networks.pdf [1.13M]
situation recognition with graph neural networks.pdf [5.27M]
spatial temporal graph convolutional networks for skeleton-based action recognition.pdf [1.50M]
spatio-temporal graph convolutional networks- a deep learning framework for traffic forecasting.pdf [895.05K]
structured dialogue policy with graph neural networks.pdf [779.24K]
symbolic graph reasoning meets convolutions.pdf [3.23M]
traffic graph convolutional recurrent neural network- a deep learning framework for network-scale traffic learning and forecasting.pdf [1.45M]
translating embeddings for modeling multi-relational data.pdf [414.17K]
understanding kin relationships in a photo.pdf [1.44M]
vain- attentional multi-agent predictive modeling.pdf [423.97K]
visual interaction networks- learning a physics simulator from vide.o.pdf [5.41M]
text [6.70M]
sequence labeling [0.00K]
text classification [0.00K]
a graph-to-sequence model for amr-to-text generation.pdf [290.15K]
encoding sentences with graph convolutional networks for semantic role labeling.pdf [621.87K]
end-to-end relation extraction using lstms on sequences and tree structures.pdf [363.06K]
exploiting semantics in neural machine translation with graph convolutional networks.pdf [604.59K]
exploring graph-structured passage representation for multi-hop reading comprehension with graph neural networks..pdf [453.50K]
graph convolution over pruned dependency trees improves relation extraction.pdf [784.41K]
graph convolutional encoders for syntax-aware neural machine translation.pdf [346.90K]
graph convolutional networks for text classification.pdf [1.83M]
graph convolutional networks with argument-aware pooling for event detection.pdf [324.70K]
jointly multiple events extraction via attention-based graph.pdf [430.38K]
n-ary relation extraction using graph state lstm.pdf [455.67K]
recurrent relational networks.pdf [307.00K]
models [81.01M]
graph_type [16.10M]
directed graph [4.21M]
rethinking knowledge graph propagation for zero-shot learning.pdf [4.21M]
edge-informative graph [4.38M]
graph-to-sequence learning using gated graph neural networks.pdf [4.06M]
modeling relational data with graph convolutional networks.pdf [323.62K]
heterogeneous graphs [0.00K]
adaptive graph convolutional neural networks.pdf [803.92K]
graph capsule convolutional neural networks.pdf [1.93M]
graph neural networks for object localization.pdf [221.83K]
graph neural networks for ranking web pages.pdf [1.01M]
graph partition neural networks for semi-supervised classification.pdf [713.90K]
how powerful are graph neural networks-.pdf [678.30K]
mean-field theory of graph neural networks in graph partitioning.pdf [369.44K]
spectral networks and locally connected networks on graphs.pdf [1.86M]
others [30.67M]
a comparison between recursive neural networks and graph neural networks.pdf [247.20K]
a new model for learning in graph domains.pdf [177.61K]
celebritynet- a social network constructed from large-scale online celebrity images.pdf [16.33M]
contextual graph markov model- a deep and generative approach to graph processing.pdf [570.59K]
deep sets.pdf [5.11M]
deriving neural architectures from sequence and graph kernels.pdf [687.05K]
diffusion-convolutional neural networks.pdf [366.35K]
geometric deep learning on graphs and manifolds using mixture model cnns.pdf [7.23M]
propagation_type [20.75M]
attention [6.05M]
attention is all you need.pdf [2.10M]
graph attention networks.pdf [1.48M]
graph classification using structural attention.pdf [2.47M]
convolution [9.55M]
bayesian semi-supervised learning with graph gaussian processes.pdf [689.89K]
convolutional neural networks on graphs with fast localized spectral filtering.pdf [459.44K]
deep convolutional networks on graph-structured data.pdf [4.57M]
learning convolutional neural networks for graphs.pdf [639.85K]
spectral networks and deep locally connected.pdf [1.86M]
structure-aware convolutional neural networks.pdf [1.36M]
gate [1.16M]
gated graph sequence neural networks.pdf [748.16K]
sentence-state lstm for text representation.pdf [442.27K]
skip [3.99M]
representation learning on graphs with jumping knowledge networks.pdf [3.15M]
semi-supervised classification with graph convolutional networks.pdf [853.42K]
training methods [13.49M]
boosting [1.96M]
deeper insights into graph convolutional networks for semi-supervised learning.pdf [1.96M]
neighborhood sampling [1.95M]
adaptive sampling towards fast graph representation learning.pdf [579.95K]
fastgcn- fast learning with graph convolutional networks via importance sampling.pdf [358.35K]
inductive representation learning on large graphs.pdf [1.04M]
receptive field control [1.25M]
stochastic training of graph convolutional networks with variance reduction.pdf [1.25M]
covariant compositional networks for learning graphs.pdf [482.53K]
graphical-based learning environments for pattern recognition.pdf [335.92K]
hierarchical graph representation learning with differentiable pooling.pdf [2.31M]
knowledge-guided recurrent neural network learning for task-oriented action prediction.pdf [0.98M]
learning steady-states of iterative algorithms over graphs.pdf [3.09M]
neural networks for relational learning- an experimental comparison.pdf [1.15M]
survey [24.96M]
极力推荐 [14.33M]
graph neural networks:a review of methods and applications.pdf [2.67M]
non-local neural networks.pdf [1.24M]
relational inductive biases, deep learning, and graph networks.pdf [8.99M]
the graph neural network model.pdf [1.43M]
一般推荐 [10.63M]
a comprehensive survey on graph neural networks.pdf [1.80M]
computational capabilities of graph neural networks(1).pdf [1.28M]
deep learning on graphs- a survey.pdf [1.80M]
geometric deep learning- going beyond euclidean data.pdf [5.26M]
neural message passing for quantum chemistry.pdf [511.15K]
图卷积神经网络开课仪式.pptx [362.72K]
看看我.zip [14.66M]
课程总结.mp4 [14.73M]
面试合集.txt [0.18K]
软件下载.txt [0.15K]
下载必看.txt [0.16K]
资料2.zip [14.66M]